Monday, July 11, 2011

Well. I'm officially the most terrible blogger on the face of the earth. It's been months since this blog has even crossed my mind. Which is odd since I somehow stay up to date on all of the various mommy blogs I've been reading for the past year and a half.

I'm a little ashamed of my blog.

Looking at it now, it just seems so subpar. It's disorganized and my writing is disjointed. I didn't like the way that it looked, so I would just bang out a post and publish it, without taking the time to proofread or really even care about what I was saying.

Not anymore.

I want to be proud of this little blog, to be able to look back on a post and remember exactly what I was feeling when I wrote it. I want somebody else to read it and think 'Wow, I feel that way too.'

Most of all, I just want a record of this time in my life. I'm starting a brand new chapter, and that in itself is worth documenting.

SO, welcome to my blog! I don't know what it'll turn out to be, or if it'll even be any good. But it will be me, a college student and single mom from New York with a fifteen month old son.

Because really, that's all I can be.

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