Friday, May 28, 2010

Quick Tip: Frozen Paci

Hi everyone! I figured I'd get on here and post a quick trick that I learned recently, it was 90 degrees ALL DAY yesterday and I was trying to figure out a way to keep Connor cool. There was no breeze and he had already had 5 oz of cold water when I got the idea to rinse his paci in cold water and then stick it in the freezer while it was still wet for about a half hour. When it came out the part that went in his mouth was frozen and the part that went on his face was only a little bit cold. HE LOVED IT! He started kicking his legs and smiling like crazy when I gave it to him. I imagine this would also work fairly well with teething because the common complaint with frozen teethers is that it gets too cold on baby's cheeks. So I figured I would share this quick tip because of the hot days that are ahead! Good luck and let us know how it goes!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Baby Products I Couldn't Live Without

I can recall very clearly the days before Connor was born when I spent what seemed like hours wandering around Babies R' Us in a fog. "How can I possibly know all the things I'll need for when he comes home?" was what I kept asking myself and whoever I had talked into going to the store with me. My solution to this dilemma was to simply buy everything on that 'What to Put on Your Registry' guide that Babies R' Us so thoughtfully provided. This of course turned out to be a huge waste of time, energy, and money. Three things that I did not have to spare at that point in time! So I recently decided to sit down and make a list of all the things that I absolutely would have died without those first terrifying weeks and here it is:

1. A bassinet, or pack n play (play yard) with a bassinet insert. I chose the latter as I know that once he's too big for the insert it can simply be removed and he'll get months more use out of the pack n play. This is EXTREMELY useful because no matter what you say, when that first night home rolls around you won't want your baby to be sleeping all alone in his own room. Also, this makes it much easier when nighttime feedings are a necessity.

2. A water proof pad for the pack n play/bassinet. Its much much easier to just pick up the pad and throw it in the wash then to be wrestling around with fitted sheets (especially when you've got one arm around your precious baby!)

3. Long sleeved shirts that button from the side. I was told not to put the baby in onesies until his umbilical cord stump fell off as the onesie could grab the stump and rip it off (painful for baby & for you) I found that Gerber was the best brand for this.

4. Sleep sacks, They make late night diaper changes a breeze, No snaps or buttons, just pull up the bottom and change the diaper. Very handy until you've mastered the cute feety pajamas.

5. Boppy infant pillow, its essentially a big round pillow with a dent in the middle. It was literally the only thing Connor laid on for the first three weeks when he was too little for his bouncy chair & swing. He LOVED that pillow.

6. Diapers of course, and wipes. I recommend sensitive scent free wipes because the last thing you'll want to deal with is diaper rash. Also alcohol pads to wipe the base of the stump with and gauze and vaseline if you have a circumcised son.

7. A good baby book, because with out a doubt, I 100% guarantee it you will have a million questions. I used Baby 411 and it answered every single question I had.

8. A notebook or something of the sort to take down memories while its fresh in your mind, it may seem tedious now & its probably hard to fit into you and your baby's schedule but you will really regret it if you don't.

9. Pacifiers, these are optional. Breast-feeding moms tend to stay away from pacifiers because it can cause nipple confusion. I bottle feed my son (not because I want to, but thats a whole other post..) and pacifiers were really useful to me. For the simple fact that they let us both sleep easier (There has been some evidence that pacifiers can reduce the risk of SIDS but trust your own judgement on that one) Connor always makes an audible sucking noise when he has a pacifier in and honestly it let me know he was still alive as crazy and paranoid as that sounds. If I ever woke up in that panic of "Oh God what if he's not breathing" I would just wait a couple seconds for the quiet *suck suck suck* noise and I would be reassured enough to fall back asleep.

10. Burp cloths, I personally always have TONS of these laying around in every room. You can never have too many burp cloths IMO

11. Receiving blankets of all weights and sizes. I have a couple heavy Koala Baby blankets with the satin on the edges & a bunch of light blankets from Carters. I Always keep one in the diaper bag because hey, you never know when the weather will change or when your baby just needs a nice snuggle.

12. Newborn first aid kit, I have a pretty inexpensive one from The Red Cross (I would suggest buying a smaller bulb syringe though if you plan on using one, the bulb syringe in that kit is WAY too big for a newborns nose) make sure you have a thermometer as well (I got a temporal artery one for my baby shower, but rectal works just as well) Also it would be wise to keep some Infants Tylenol and Mylicon in your arsenal because trust me you never want to be caught without it.

13. Bath stuff, as well as an infant tub. I wouldn't put your baby in a tub full of water until their cord comes off but hey thats up to you. Huggies came out with pre soaped disposable washcloths. I loved these for when he was still getting sponge baths.

So these are the bare bones of what you'll need IMO the first two weeks or so. If I think of anything else I'll be sure to update this post, Happy Shopping!

A Little Bit About Us!

Hey Guys!

This is my second attempt at blogging, My first attempt did not go as planned and I gave up after exactly one post. I'm hoping I'll stick with it though because I always love looking back on my old diaries and reading what was in my head at that exact moment in time, and what better time to preserve your state of mind then when you have a new baby!?

My name is Kathleen and I live in NYC, well a suburb of NYC, if you walk two blocks left you can look across the bay and see the city and walk two blocks to the right and be on the beach, best of both worlds.

Anyways, I first found out I was pregnant on August 25 I was roughly 7 weeks along, big surprise I must say! but I was extremely excited & a little bit scared. My son Connor entered this world on March 7th 2010 at 12:58 am via cesarean section. He immediately filled every space in my heart. So, at press time he is 2 months 2 weeks and 4 days old.

I really look forward to doing this blog and I already have tons of ideas! So, please come on this journey with us =)

Kathleen & Connor