Friday, May 28, 2010

Quick Tip: Frozen Paci

Hi everyone! I figured I'd get on here and post a quick trick that I learned recently, it was 90 degrees ALL DAY yesterday and I was trying to figure out a way to keep Connor cool. There was no breeze and he had already had 5 oz of cold water when I got the idea to rinse his paci in cold water and then stick it in the freezer while it was still wet for about a half hour. When it came out the part that went in his mouth was frozen and the part that went on his face was only a little bit cold. HE LOVED IT! He started kicking his legs and smiling like crazy when I gave it to him. I imagine this would also work fairly well with teething because the common complaint with frozen teethers is that it gets too cold on baby's cheeks. So I figured I would share this quick tip because of the hot days that are ahead! Good luck and let us know how it goes!

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