Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Quick Tip: Nighttime Routine

So far it's been an uphill battle trying to get Connor to sleep in his own crib for the night, last night was the first time in history that it was a successful mission. I put him down to bed at 11:00 and he didn't wake up until 5:30 this morning, AMAZING! So I figured I would quickly write down what exactly I did. First, Connor had a warm bath (do this about an hour before they are supposed to eat because they'll get fussy and hungry) After the bath I lotioned him up and did a couple minutes of baby massage. After he was nice and relaxed I fixed him a bottle and we sat in his glider and rocked back and forth. After his bottle was finished he was getting very sleepy but not quite asleep yet, so I read a chapter of Harry Potter to him (what you read is your choice lol, Harry Potter always puts him to sleep..) I could see his eyes fighting to stay open so I put him in bed, turned out the lights, turned on the monitor and went to finish what I had to do around the house. He didn't wake up until 5:30 and I was a very happy camper because I cant wait to get his pack n play out of my room (I will miss him though! I went into his room like every two hours to make sure he was okay!) So good luck and remember every baby is different! Try a bunch of things until you find what works for you!

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