Monday, June 7, 2010

Baby Smiles =)

Ever since the day I found out I was pregnant I was anxious for my precious baby to look up at me and smile. A real huge toothless baby smile that could melt anyone in 3 mile radius's heart. Connor has been on track or ahead on all of his other milestones except smiling. (Though I guess I do have to give him credit, his adjusted age is only 2 months and a day or two) His lack of smiling scared me, does he have autism? Is he unhappy? My doctor told me to relax, He would be smiling soon, Just smile at him as much as possible. So of course I fixed myself with what seemed like a permenant grin hoping that one day he would give me a small grin. He stated giving small smiles here and there, but I wanted on demand social smiles! Then about 3 days ago BAM! He's smiling all the time! I couldn't believe it, My prayers were answered. I ran to get my camera to snap as many pictures as possible. Now Connor and I are much happier and showing it proudly! I guess the moral of the story is, don't get so worked up about these milestones sometimes. Your baby will get there at his or her own pace and it makes it so much sweeter when they achieve them!

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