Monday, June 28, 2010

My Criteria When Looking for a Stroller or Car Seat

These are just a few things that I look for when purchasing a car seat, stroller, or travel system:

1. In the car seat, is there a way to tighten the harness straps while the child is inside? When I bought my first travel system (Evenflo Aura) I didn't even think about this feature. I soon learned how much of a pain in the butt it was so adjusted the straps. It's impossible to have the straps fit perfectly when the child isn't inside while you adjust them. Also when the straps are too loose its unsafe. (in the case of the Evenflo, when it was too loose and too tight it wasn't safe. when it was too tight the straps would push off of his shoulders and end up down his arms.)

2. Is the car seat light weight? If you choose to go with the infant car seat (which i recommend, its good for when your baby falls asleep in the car, you can move them without waking them up) Your baby is heavy enough, try to find a car seat that is sturdy but also as light as possible so you can actually pick the child up.

3. Is the stroller easy to fold? Fold and unfold and fold and unfold the stroller while your in the store. If it gives you a problem even one time, don't buy it. The last thing in the world you need is a tired, hungry, infant screaming at the top of their lungs while you try to fold the stroller. I've actually seen one mom get so frustrated with her stroller while her baby screamed in the car that she just left it there in the parking lot.

4. Does it look comfortable? One question to ask yourself is would you want to spend time in it?

5. Is the sun shade long enough? The shade on the Evenflo was too short and the sun was constantly in my sons eyes.

6. Does the stroller have a big basket? This isn't a must for everyone, but it was definitely a must for me. It's a great place to put shopping bags when your at the mall. Plus your diaper bag will be filled to overflowing and its just must easier to put it in the basket.

7. And finally, what is the rating? When it comes to car seats, the highest rated car seat for safety is usually more expensive, but hey, you can't put a price on your child's safety!

Here is a link to the travel system I bought Connor after donating the Evenflo:

It's the Chicco Cortina Travel System Stroller in Miro.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Baby Smiles =)

Ever since the day I found out I was pregnant I was anxious for my precious baby to look up at me and smile. A real huge toothless baby smile that could melt anyone in 3 mile radius's heart. Connor has been on track or ahead on all of his other milestones except smiling. (Though I guess I do have to give him credit, his adjusted age is only 2 months and a day or two) His lack of smiling scared me, does he have autism? Is he unhappy? My doctor told me to relax, He would be smiling soon, Just smile at him as much as possible. So of course I fixed myself with what seemed like a permenant grin hoping that one day he would give me a small grin. He stated giving small smiles here and there, but I wanted on demand social smiles! Then about 3 days ago BAM! He's smiling all the time! I couldn't believe it, My prayers were answered. I ran to get my camera to snap as many pictures as possible. Now Connor and I are much happier and showing it proudly! I guess the moral of the story is, don't get so worked up about these milestones sometimes. Your baby will get there at his or her own pace and it makes it so much sweeter when they achieve them!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Quick Tip: Nighttime Routine

So far it's been an uphill battle trying to get Connor to sleep in his own crib for the night, last night was the first time in history that it was a successful mission. I put him down to bed at 11:00 and he didn't wake up until 5:30 this morning, AMAZING! So I figured I would quickly write down what exactly I did. First, Connor had a warm bath (do this about an hour before they are supposed to eat because they'll get fussy and hungry) After the bath I lotioned him up and did a couple minutes of baby massage. After he was nice and relaxed I fixed him a bottle and we sat in his glider and rocked back and forth. After his bottle was finished he was getting very sleepy but not quite asleep yet, so I read a chapter of Harry Potter to him (what you read is your choice lol, Harry Potter always puts him to sleep..) I could see his eyes fighting to stay open so I put him in bed, turned out the lights, turned on the monitor and went to finish what I had to do around the house. He didn't wake up until 5:30 and I was a very happy camper because I cant wait to get his pack n play out of my room (I will miss him though! I went into his room like every two hours to make sure he was okay!) So good luck and remember every baby is different! Try a bunch of things until you find what works for you!