Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Ugh! I wish I was better at code. I have so many ideas for things to put on the main page of the blog and I just can't figure out how to do it. I also wish that I had invested in a better camera earlier on. I'm looking into the Nikon D40 but who knows. Connor is also in a really irritating phase where he is absolutely refusing to nap. So of course he is incredibly cranky for the majority of the day. I don't know why but he all of a sudden hates anything that used to give him comfort. He refuses to take the pacifier unless I hold it in his mouth for like 15 minutes, and he won't relax in his swing unless he's almost asleep. I feel so bad for him because I know that he's even more frustrated then I am.

I'm still holding out hope that the sun will die down a little later on at like 7 o'clock so that I can take Connor down to the beach for a little while. He's still never been, which is outrageous seeing as the beach is practically our backyard. I can't wait for him to be able to sit and play in the sand, (He hasn't mastered sitting up completely unassisted yet) It's just been so freakin' hot these past weeks that it's been impossible, the sun has been so strong and since Connor can't wear sunscreen, we've been stuck at home.

Well I guess I'll try to figure out some more coding so that I can get this blog up to par with what I imagine it should be.

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